• Class: Primary 1
  • Term: 3rd Term
  • Week: 6
  • Age: 6 years
  • Period:
  • Duration: 40 minutes
  • Date:
  • Subject: Basic Science Technology
  • Curriculum Theme: Basic Science
  • Topic: Content Of First Aid Box
  • Content: Content Of First Aid Box

Specific Objectives:

By the end of the lesson, pupils should be able to:

  • Cognitive domain: Identify and list items found in a first aid box.
  • Affective domain: Show interest in learning about the safety and usefulness of each item.
  • Psychomotor domain: Demonstrate how to safely handle simple first aid materials.
  • Social Domain: Participate in group activities to discuss the importance of first aid and share personal experiences if any.

Reference Materials:

  • 9 – Years Basic Education Curriculum
  • Abuja Educational Resource Centre Scheme of work
  • NAPPS National Unified Scheme of Work
  • Online Information
  • Textbooks

Instructional Materials:

  • A real or makeshift First Aid Box with common contents
  • Flashcards with pictures of First Aid Box items
  • Interactive digital content/videos demonstrating the use of first aid items

Rationale for the Lesson:

Understanding the content of a first aid box is crucial for emergency preparedness and response. This knowledge equips pupils with basic skills to help themselves or others in case of minor accidents, promoting safety and well-being in their daily lives.

Prerequisite/Previous Knowledge:

Pupils are assumed to have basic understanding of health and safety practices, such as cleanliness and the importance of helping others in need.


Content Development: Content Of First Aid Box

ContentTimeTeaching MethodTeaching StrategyTeacher’s ActivityPupil’s ActivityLearning Point
Step 1: Introduction5 minsInteractive LectureQuestion And Answer Brief overview of first aidListening and responding to questionsUnderstanding the importance of first aid
Step 2: Identify Contents10 minsDemonstrationExplanation Show and tell about first aid box itemsIdentifying and naming first aid itemsLearning the contents of a first aid box
Step 3: Uses of Contents10 minsDiscussionExplanation Explain the use of each itemDiscussing and asking questions about the use of each itemUnderstanding how each item is used
Step 4: Safety Measures5 minsGuided PracticeDemonstration Demonstrate safe handling of itemsPracticing safe handling under supervisionLearning to handle first aid items safely
Step 5: Group Activity5 minsGroup WorkGuided practice Facilitate group discussionsParticipating in discussions and sharing ideasAppreciating the value of teamwork in learning
Step 6: Note taking2 minsWritingDirect InstructionInstruct on what to write in notesWriting down notesRecording key information
Step 7: Evaluation2 minsOral QuestionsQuestion And Answer Ask questions based on objectivesAnswering questionsAssessing understanding
Step 8: Conclusion1 minSummaryRecapSummarize the lesson’s key pointsListeningReinforcing the day’s learning

Classroom Note

Content of a first aid box

  1. Bandages
  2. Antiseptic wipes
  3. Adhesive tape
  4. Sterile gauze
  5. Scissors
  6. Tweezers
  7. Safety pins
  8. Gloves
  9. Thermometer
  10. Antiseptic cream

Evaluation Questions:

  1. Can you name three items found in a first aid box?
  2. Why is it important to have a first aid box?
  3. Show me how to safely handle a pair of scissors from the first aid box.

Note to Teachers:

Customize the lesson content, teaching methods, and pupil activities to suit your teaching style, curriculum, and available resources. Encourage active participation and ensure that all pupils can see and interact with the instructional materials. Adapt the lesson for children with special needs to ensure inclusivity.

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Lesson Notes,

Last Update: June 26, 2024